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RS taught English, history and Spanish/Latin American literature at Jesuit El Salvador high-school from 1951 to 1960. He maintained cordial relationships with several of his former students - like  Carlos Balmaceda, Álvaro Gutiérrez Zaldívar and Enrique Batemarco - throughout his life. The  Asociación de Ex-alumnos de la Compañía de Jesús dedicated the 2014-2015 edition of its yearly magazine to him. We propose a few opinions of some ex-students contained in that edition which give a clear idea of RS as a teacher:


"For many of us he continues to be a reference point as regards freedom of thought, education, culture, imagination and intellectual honesty."


"A singular character who, from his position as English or literature professor, left an indelible mark on our young spirits and on our long-term hopes... He seemed to have understood that mandate of Ignatius Loyola's: 'ite ed inflamate.' "


"... Rafael Squirru is an incendiary  as regards freedom, culture, audacity and most especially,  against structuralisms and empty formalisms..."


"How he induced us to think!"


"Always generous, he always noticed the sincerity of our tone rather than the clumsiness of our opinions".


Beyond his years as a professor at El Salvador and his influence on his students, teaching left traces on Rafael's personality. His oratorial skills during hundreds of lectures and round tables, his clarity as a writer, his role as counselor of artists and friends and even his own way of talking in private revealed one of the essential aspects of his life: his teaching vocation. It is no surprise that many friends and artists called him Maestro.

His last interview  for TV was done on occasion of Teacher's Day.

First row superior: Juan José Blaquier,Ernesto Aliaga, Carlos Guerrero Naón, Juan Macome, Félix Arando. 

Second row: Guillero Isola, Miguel Bullrich, Héctor Macris, Fernando García Raffetto, Carlos Varela, Alejandro Deffis, Francisco Dams, Iván Alfaro.

Third row: Francisco Uranga, Manuel Guerrero, Edgardo Scarbino, Enrique Batemarco, Eduardo Vionnet, Alfonso Arcos, Eduardo Cía, Jorge Dolan, Fernando Bonadeo. 

Fourth row: Ratiir Karlic, Adrián García Sanabria, Raúl Orbea, Rafael Squirru, Horacio Soares, Jorge Rodríguez, Silvio Gagliardi.  

@ Eloisa Squirru, 2017

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