Squirru painted since he was a boy and won a prize when he was only five in a children's art contest of the association "Amigos del Arte". He was then put under the guidance of a private teacher, artist Francisco Pascual Ayllón, who introduced him to landscape painting. Upon his return from Scotland, where he graduated in Law, he studied drawing with Jan Joos.
His first show was in 1948 at the Galería Sintonía, then at Galería Peuser in 1950 and in Galatea in 1955. He illustrated Fernando Demaría's poetry book "Las hélices" in 1953. Upon the publication of his own first book of poetry in 1957, Squirru abandons painting as a professional objective.
RS´s exhibition at Galería Galatea, Buenos Aires, 1953.
De izq. a der.: José Miguens, Josefina Miguens, RS, Leopoldo Presas, Elbia Rosbaco, Alberto Ginastera, Leopoldo Marechal, Elsa Presas
Oil painting
Autorretrato kafkiano
Oil painting, 1951
El pueblo
Oil paintng
Hombre y mujer
Oil paintng, 1951
Oil paintng
La Magdalena
Oil paintng, 1951
El paflagonio
Oil paintng
El joven Chesterton
Oil paintng, 1951
Essay by Augusto Rodríguez Larreta on Squirru's painting
Pencil, 1980
Squirru's Illustrations of poet F. Demaría's book of poetry "Himnos Helénicos" (1953)